Spirometry Protect Programme

In partnership with Norfolk & Waveney ICB and
ECLIPSE (Equality of Care Led Insights for Patient Safety & Engagement)

Practice Pro-Forma

Project overview:

A new programme is being offered to practices across the East of England to offer support to patients in the highest need of spirometry testing to case-find patients with undiagnosed respiratory problems.

Using Eclipse, the programme will centrally identify, engage with, educate, risk stratify and invite patients to attend the respiratory diagnostic centres for basic observations and spirometry testing.


  • To improve patient outcomes by referring those at highest need of spirometry testing first.  

  • To reduce health inequalities by targeting populations in the highest deprivation quintile. 

  • To reduce spirometry waiting list sizes.  

  • To develop a transferable model that other systems can adopt to support them to risk stratify patients on their spirometry waiting lists. 

  • To support ICBs to refine their spirometry delivery models, as set out in the regional respiratory diagnostics model document. 

  • To support the design of a system-wide risk stratification diagnostic pathway for sharing across the East of England region and nationally. 

Patient identification
Patients of focus for this programme inclusion will be those aged over 35 years or older, with a history of smoking or from high deprivation groups with one or more of the following in their clinical history:

  • History of asthma  

  • Respiratory-related admissions/ UEC contacts 

  • ·Diagnosis of COPD but no documented spirometry  

  • SABA use >2 inhalers a year and no diagnosis of asthma or COPD  

  • 2 or more LRTI in last 12 months  

  • Prescribed 2 or more courses of respiratory-related antibiotics in last 12 months

Patient engagement and prioritisation:
Once identified, patients will be contacted centrally via Eclipse’s digital patient engagement platform by SMS, with a link to an informative lander page. They will then be guided to a dynamic questionnaire which will capture additional risk factors, COPD risk questionnaire, and preferences related to this service. This, along with their recorded clinical information, will form the basis of prioritisation for offering spirometry testing to patients.

Spirometry testing:
Once patients have engaged, consented and qualified for spirometry testing, they will be booked in for a review at a respiratory diagnostic centre. Results will be recorded in the clinical system and communicated to patients alongside any relevant diagnoses or suggested follow-up actions or referrals.

If your practice would like to take part: Please complete the below pro forma, expressing your interest and permissions for patient engagement.

Please note that you will be notified prior to any active patient engagement, and your practice will be issued with a guide on how to view patient lists and document patient reviews.