Our Mission
Prescribing Services has provided validated, innovative, cost-effective IT solutions within our NHS for the past 14 years. In delivering these solutions we have set up the most secure cloud-based patient database for our NHS and identified a flexible, secure method of capturing patient data.
In providing an effective centralised patient database we have developed the ability to evaluate clinical pathways and provide insight enabling enhanced Patient Care.
Effective, dynamic analysis immediately transforms our NHS data into a catalyst to deliver best practice across more than 5,000 projects within our NHS. The 20 million patients we protect have benefited from dramatic improvements in clinical outcomes. (eclipsesolutions.org/impactassessment)
We have now set our sights on ensuring the 10 billion rows of patient data that we process are appropriately utilised. We are working with central NHS Authorities to ensure that the insight obtained through analysis of this data enhances patient care for our NHS.