Cambridgeshire & Peterborough
Cholesterol Optimisation Project
(Deep End Practices) - Practice Pro-Forma
We would like to let you know about an exciting new project starting in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough in partnership with general practice, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS trust, the AHSN (Academic Health Sciences Network) and ECLIPSE (Equality of Care Led Insights for Patient Safety & Education).
The focus of this project is Cholesterol Optimisation in your vulnerable patients groups, this includes patient education and invitation to register their preferences for treatment with Atorvastatin.
Patient engagement will be provided through the ECLIPSE interface. Your eligible patients (patients coded with ischaemic heart disease, stroke, transient ischaemic attack, peripheral vascular disease, peripheral arterial disease who are not on a statin, not allergic to a statin, statin is not contraindicated and not on any other lipid lowering treatment) will be sent a text.:
Example of Standardised text:
Dear [Forename] [Lastname], [Practicename] would like to offer you access to a local NHS health improvement programme. Please go to where you can access your portal and state your preferences in relation to this programme. You will need your NHS number [NHSNumber].
Using our patient engagement platform PEGASUS, (Patient Engagement Governance Automating Standardised User Support) the text directs them to a patient information zone where they can access their patient portal with information on High Cholesterol, Atorvastatin and are then able to complete a questionnaire where their relevant history and personal preferences regarding this project can be registered:
Link to: Patient Information Zone
This information zone will allow patients who are hearing or sight impaired to let us know their preferences for the programme and is equipped with translation services for 20 of the most common languages spoken in the UK to ensure equity of access.
This work will happen in tandem with your practice, the engagement will not create any additional work for your practice but will allow your at-risk patients to be impactfully engaged with and will give you the clinical information needed for any relevant follow up and treatment.